Gilly Gobinet

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Category: Sports / Education / Entertainment / Artists / Graphic Designers
Location: AG Antigua and Barbuda
Company phone: Show Company phone 1-268-464-6084
full address Show full address Saint George, Art Gallery Casa alegre, Needs Must Circle, Fitches Creek, St John's Antigua.
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The biography of Antiguan artist Gilly Gobinet describes her journey from birth to the present day. She grew up in England, where she was born. Although excelling in art at an early age, her mother advised her to get a “proper” career,  as the ability to paint would never leave her. Thus Gilly gained a BSc Hons. Degree in Biological Sciences at the University of Sussex, after which she worked on the editorial side in a veterinary laboratory,  as a ghost writer for a professor of epidemiology & social medicine in a London teaching hospital, and finally as an international civil servant in Strasbourg, France, in the fields of nature conservation and public health. A happy coincidence found her on vacation in Antigua where her husband was offered a job. Delighted with the prospect of a challenge rather than enduring bureaucracy, she dropped everything and moved there in 1984,  seizing  the  opportunity of fulfilling her childhood dream of painting full time. Whilst bringing up her three young children, she slowly developed her painting techniques, mainly in watercolour and acrylic. Her subjects reflect the beauty and charm of the enchanted island of Antigua and to this day, inspiration is never lacking. She is happiest when painting and ever joyful when others take equal pleasure in her art. She has given various shows around the Caribbean and in Venezuela and has exhibited in galleries on different islands. At present she runs her own Art Gallery at her lovely secluded waterfront residence at Fitches Creek, on Antigua’s east coast (near VC Bird International Airport) where she also has her studio. Visitors are welcome and may call in advance at +1(268)464 6084 or email Gilly at for information on opening times and how to get there. The route is well sign-posted from Pigotts Village onwards and the Art Gallery is just north of the lovely old protestant church of St. George’s.  


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